

Workshops and Events

THE WILD ISLAND CENTER is a sanctuary of creative expression. We host events and facilitate workshops through the passing of traditional knowledge and the sharing of spiritual connection. Our programs are designed to encourage personal development, deepen nature connection, teach ancestral skills, and cultivate community. Our learning center encourages a sustainable vision for the future and nourishes our call for healthy connection and relationship. Our topics have included herbalism, food preservation, wild foods, primitive skills, permaculture, breath work, rites of passage, ceremony, acro yoga, ecstatic dance, womb wisdom, and homesteading basics.

Contact us at info@wildislandcenter.com for registration.

Love Your Wild Self: An Intentional Gathering
to Sep 22

Love Your Wild Self: An Intentional Gathering

Join Us for Our Third Annual Love Your Wild Self Gathering held at The Wild Island Center on Mount Desert Island, Maine.

A Gathering to Connect with your Self in Community through: Yoga and Meditation, Dance and Breath Work, Cold and Heat Therapy, Nature Immersion, and Intentional Conversation.

Join Megan Leavitt from the Wild Island Center, Erin Paradis from Alpenflow Wellness, and Dan Tutor, DJ Fuzxy, for a transformative weekend of connection held at the gateway to Acadia National Park

This all inclusive retreat includes:

  • Accommodations

  • Seven Nutritious, Vegetarian Meals

  • Workshops

  • Live Music and Sound Bath by DJ Fuzxy

  • Guided Mediation and Yoga Classes

  • Cold Plunge and Somatic Experiencing

  • In Acadia National Park

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Contact Improv: Dance Class and Jam

Contact Improv: Dance Class and Jam



We look forward to welcoming you to our first:

Contact Improvisation Dance Class and Jam

Taught and Facilitated by Peter Heller

Join us at The Wild Island Center for a 1-hour dance class followed by an hour of open dancing, or β€œjamming” as it is called. The class is appropriate for all levels of cont improv experience and will pay particular attention to the basics of the dance form: grounding in your own body, how to share weight and share a dance with a partner, and things like how to move from standing to the floor.

The jam is an opportunity to playfully practice what you learned and experiment with dancing as much as you like and/or watch others dance.

What is Contact Improv? 

β€œContact improvisation is a form of improvised partner dancing that has been developing internationally since 1972. It involves the exploration of one's body in relationship to others by using the fundamentals of sharing weight, touch, and movement awareness. It has evolved into a broad global community of social dancing around "jams" characterized by their welcoming attitude towards newcomers to dance, as well as seasoned practitioners, and is often found overlapping with ecstatic dance communities".

Who is Peter Heller?

Peter lives on MDI, went to COA, runs a consulting company, and has always been dancing for fun. Contact Improv is one of his favorite things. For over 20 years, he has been going to jams, taking classes, attending retreats (Earthdance in MA and elsewhere), and he has taught beginner contact improv in Mexico.


$20-$30 Sliding Scale Contribution to Support Our Visiting Teachers and Artists.

Email info@wildislandcenter.com for more information.

REGISTER HERE by sending your contribution via venmo to @Megan-Leavitt-6 AND SUBMITTING THIS FORM:

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An Introduction to Herbal Preparations

Join us in the Wild Island Kitchen for an Introduction to Herbal Preparations workshop with Master Gardener and Community Herbalist, Megan Leavitt. We will discuss establishing medicinal gardens, harvesting methods, local healing plants, and ways to connect with thand craft herbal medicines to craft in the kitchen. We will discuss local, healing plants and ways to incorporate and establish connection with them. You will leave with the knowledge to make your own herbal infusions, decoctions, tinctures, and glycerites. All ring home the herbal products that we craft and A great beginning to your home apothecary, you will leave with the herbal products you craft, utilizing the plants you fee

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Ecstatic Dance w/ DJ RISIN SON

Ecstatic Dance w/ DJ RISIN SON

$25-$35 Sliding Scale Contribution to Support Visiting Artists. A live set with DJ Risin Son. Come as you are! Check out our available costume corner to add some fun to your evening! Potluck Snacks to Follow. These events fill quickly.

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Sexiii Church for Women

Sexiii Church for Women


The Wild Island Center is excited to announce Sexiii Church! Welcome to a Spiritual Path that loves Women!

Where your body, your emotions and your sensuality are celebrated as Sacred.

Guided Free Form Dance and Emotional Alchemy for Women with mystic and sacred embodiment expert, Tara Star Dancer.

Learn simple movements and vocalizations that express emotions to create the perfect elixir to digest, release, and alchemize the ups and downs of life into creativity and uncover your hidden passions for your Rich Life!

Access the infinite intelligence of your body and experience sensual embodied awakening.

Enjoy conscious let go and soulful turn on!

You can have the life of your deepest desires and live life as Art!

Come as you are. Up. Down. Grumpy. Frumpy. Overjoyed. Manic. Broken Hearted.

Leave overfilled with Radiance.

Scones and Tea provided by the Wild Island Kitchen.

January 28
February 14

11am-2pm (Doors close at 11:10am)
$30 in advance / $40 same day
Space is Limited

Register by sending your venmo payment to @Megan-Leavitt-6 (Last 4 of Phone: 3108) AND FILLING OUT THE FORM BELOW.

What to Wear? The ultimate goal of Sexiii Church is for you to awaken as the Source of Desire Herself - the Mystery - and live in cahoots with infinite creativity. So in that spirit, tap into what excites you. Joining in your pajamas and messy bun? Taking out that β€œOnly for special” fancy dress? A fairy costume? Jeans and t-shirt? A men’s suit? SC is a microcosm of the theatre of life so let yourself play!

With Tara Star Dancer, midwife to your transformation! Tara performed as an international belly dancer for 13 years, performing in over 1200 shows around the world. Tara uses the power of play, movement, and embodiment to uncover the bliss of existence often hidden under habits of the body and mind.

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Sexiii Church for Women

Sexiii Church for Women


The Wild Island Center is excited to announce Sexiii Church! Welcome to a Spiritual Path that loves Women!

Where your body, your emotions and your sensuality are celebrated as Sacred.

Guided Free Form Dance and Emotional Alchemy for Women with mystic and sacred embodiment expert, Tara Star Dancer.

Learn simple movements and vocalizations that express emotions to create the perfect elixir to digest, release, and alchemize the ups and downs of life into creativity and uncover your hidden passions for your Rich Life!

Access the infinite intelligence of your body and experience sensual embodied awakening.

Enjoy conscious let go and soulful turn on!

You can have the life of your deepest desires and live life as Art!

Come as you are. Up. Down. Grumpy. Frumpy. Overjoyed. Manic. Broken Hearted.

Leave overfilled with Radiance.

Scones and Tea provided by the Wild Island Kitchen.

January 14
January 28
February 14

11am-2pm (Doors close at 11:10am)
$30 in advance / $40 same day
Space is Limited

Register by sending your venmo payment to @Megan-Leavitt-6 (Last 4 of Phone: 3108) AND FILLING OUT THE FORM BELOW.

What to Wear? The ultimate goal of Sexiii Church is for you to awaken as the Source of Desire Herself - the Mystery - and live in cahoots with infinite creativity. So in that spirit, tap into what excites you. Joining in your pajamas and messy bun? Taking out that β€œOnly for special” fancy dress? A fairy costume? Jeans and t-shirt? A men’s suit? SC is a microcosm of the theatre of life so let yourself play!

With Tara Star Dancer, midwife to your transformation! Tara performed as an international belly dancer for 13 years, performing in over 1200 shows around the world. Tara uses the power of play, movement, and embodiment to uncover the bliss of existence often hidden under habits of the body and mind.

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Full Moon Ecstatic Dance w/ DJ RISIN SON

Full Moon Ecstatic Dance w/ DJ RISIN SON

$25-$35 Sliding Scale Contribution to Support Visiting Artists. A live set with DJ Risin Son. Come as you are! Check out our available costume corner to add some fun to your evening! Potluck Snacks to Follow. These events fill quickly.

Email info@wildislandcenter.com for more information.

REGISTER HERE by sending your contribution via venmo to @Megan-Leavitt-6 AND SUBMITTING THIS FORM:

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Soulful Sauna Build with Permatours
to Sep 17

Soulful Sauna Build with Permatours

πŸŒΏπŸ”¨πŸžοΈ Discover Your Carpentry Passion In Acadia, Maine! 🌳🌊🌞

Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey, enriching your carpentry skills and nourishing your soul?

It is with joy that we invite you to an empowering Introductory Carpentry Course hosted by Permatours, in partnership with the Wild Island Center!

Join us for the opportunity to learn about carpentry by building a sauna, guided by Noah Schoneberg, a master carpenter, with assistant instructors onsite to offer guidance and support to participants as well.

Beginners are welcome as our instructors will meet you where you're at, ensuring a comfortable and inclusive learning experience for everyone!

We’ll be working with wood sourced from the cedar trees that grow onsite, too!


πŸŒ±πŸ’ƒπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ A Holistic Retreat in Nature's Embrace 🎢🎭

This event is designed to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Acadia, ME, you'll be invited to connect with nature, swim in the lake and ocean, indulge in healthy vegetarian meals, and participate in holistic workshops (i.e. yoga, breath work, cacao ceremony, ecstatic dance, etc). Stay tuned for our lineup of features.


Stay tuned for our lineup of features sharing their gifts throughout the event.


Get ready to dance the night away after enjoying pizza on Saturday night made and baked onsite in the Cobb Oven Permatours built at Wild Island Center a few years back!

On Sunday night, we'll enjoy another pizza party followed by a drum & song circle.

Nο»Ώote: Vegetarian meals are included. See schedule below for more info.


Sliding Scale Pricing, Inclusivity at Heart πŸ’“

We believe that everyone deserves the chance to participate, which is why we offer sliding scale pricing to accommodate varying financial capacities. Please choose the rate that feels right for you:

🌠 Prosperity Rate: $1000 - for those who can afford to contribute more and support others.

🌈 Equilibrium Rate: $800 - for those who can comfortably afford the standard rate.

🀝 Inclusivity Rate / Rate for Locals: $600 - to make the event accessible to all.

ACCOMMODATIONS: If you would prefer to stay inside Wild Island Center’s gorgeous bed and breakfast vs. camping out, there’s the option to purchase housing accommodations as an add-on.


🌈 Scholarship Opportunities 🌟

We understand that financial constraints can sometimes hinder participation, which is why we're offering a limited number of scholarships to support those in need. Please apply here: https://share.hsforms.com/1FS5P-byYSiawzwhqdYNHxg1fen9


πŸ’² Work Trade Opportunities πŸ‘©β€πŸ³

Work trade opportunities are available for those who are interested in sharing their skills in exchange for a reduced ticket price. Please apply here: https://share.hsforms.com/1_ZW2Y4e8QbiR4cNuD-hALQ1fen9


πŸŽ“ Embrace the Carpenter Within! 🧰

Whether you've always dreamed of being a builder or you're interested in learning how to build a sauna on your own property, this event will provide you with valuable skills to take with you on your journey post-event.

From collaborating around building a sauna to enjoying time connecting with nature, yourself, like-minded individuals, this event promises to be an unforgettable experience.

Space is limited, so please secure your spot today!

We can't wait to welcome you to this unique and empowering event.

Let's make lasting memories together! 🌟✨


πŸ—“οΈ Event Agenda:

🌳 THURSDAY: Arrival & Orientation

1:00 PM - Arrive and Set Up Camp: Get ready to embark on this unique journey! Arrive at the stunning Wild Island Center, set up your camp, and meet your fellow participants.

3:00 PM - Property Tour: Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the location as we take you on a guided tour of the property, plus the nearby swimming spots.

4:00 PM - Project Overview & Safety Training: Prepare for the exciting days ahead with a comprehensive project overview and essential safety training. Feel free to ask any questions during the Q&A session.

5:30 PM - Site Prep & Other Preparations: Start gearing up for the carpentry adventure by preparing the site and gathering your tools.

7:00 PM - Dinner & Campfire Fun: Share a delicious dinner with your fellow participants around a cozy campfire. (Expect some campfire songs).

πŸ›  FRIDAY: Building Begins

8:30 AM - Morning Practice: Start your day with rejuvenating yoga, breath work, or meditation, embracing the serenity of the morning.

9:30 AM - Breakfast: Savor a nutritious breakfast, fueling you for the exciting day ahead.

10:30 AM - Kickoff Build: Dive into the carpentry journey! Work together in groups and receive the support you need, depending on your comfort level and interests.

1:30 PM - Lunch: Take a break and enjoy a scrumptious lunch, refueling your energy.

2:30 PM - Continue Building: Immerse yourself in the carpentry project, witnessing your skills grow throughout the day.

5:30 PM - Other Programming: Engage in other activities or workshops during this leisure time.

6:30 PM - Dinner & Campfire Fun: Relish a delightful dinner while engaging in lively campfire activities.

🧱πŸ”₯ SATURDAY: More Building & Celebration

8:30 AM - Morning Practice: Kickstart your day with a morning practice, centering yourself amidst nature's tranquility.

9:30 AM - Breakfast: Savor a wholesome breakfast, preparing yourself for another day of carpentry and exploration.

10:30 AM - Building Continues: Delve back into the carpentry project, witnessing your progress unfold.

1:30 PM - Lunch: Recharge with a healthy lunch, taking a well-deserved break.

2:30 PM - Continue Building: Embrace the joy of carpentry and the sense of accomplishment as the project takes shape.

6:00 PM - Pizza Party & Celebration: Join us for a pizza party, open for locals to drop-in! Enjoy live DJ sets, dancing, entertainment, and more campfire fun.

πŸ›–πŸŽ‰ SUNDAY: Building, Celebration, & Farewell

8:30 AM - Morning Practice: Embrace the final day with a calming morning practice, appreciating the connections you've made and the skills you've learned.

9:30 AM - Breakfast: Share a heartfelt breakfast.

10:30 AM - Final Building Session: Make the most of your last building session, relishing the camaraderie and empowerment that comes with it.

1:30 PM - Lunch & Farewell: Enjoy a final lunch together.

2:30 PM - Last Build Session: Enjoy this final build session and opportunity to learn before we conclude the event with gratitude and reflections.

6:00 PM - Pizza Party & Celebration, including a drum and song circle, open to local drop-ins.

Note: Guests are invited to camp out Sunday night and leave Monday morning.


About Permatours:

Permatours is a non-profit that brings people together to exchange skills and knowledge through permaculture action and natural build-focused educational events - supporting biodiversity, personal growth, & the resilience of local communities.

Having facilitated over 40 projects throughout the country in over 2 years time, Permatours’ is a connective membrane in the vast ecosystem of community groups, environmental action networks, and educators - weaving together innovators, native land stewards, healers, permaculturists, teachers, creatives, and community centers - fostering a culture of learning, growth, authentic expression, and empowerment.

Learn more at www.permatours.org


About Wild Island Center:

Wild Island Center s a catering kitchen and education center offering workshops and retreats that deepen connection to nature and spirit through creative expression, hands on learning, rites of passage, and community events. We keep culture alive.

Learn more at https://www.wildislandcenter.com/

Wο»Ώith Gratitude,

Pο»Ώermatours & Crew

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Food and Beverage Fermentation with Darich Peres Reyes
to Aug 13

Food and Beverage Fermentation with Darich Peres Reyes

Join us at The Wild Island Center for a two-day, hands on workshop with Darich Perez Reyes from The Wild Culture Kitchen!

Saturday, August 12th 11am-4pm and Sunday, August 13th 10am-2pm

Class and All Materials Provided Both Days: $165 Contribution.

Class and All Materials Provided Per Day: $90 Contribution.

Class Only Both Days: $120 Contribution.

Class Only Per Day: $65 Contribution.


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Dance Into Winter: An Intentional Dance Weekend.  FULL
to Dec 18

Dance Into Winter: An Intentional Dance Weekend. FULL

This Event is FULL. Stay tuned for more live music and movement events coming up.

A community collaboration at Wild Island Center in Mount Desert, Maine. This is a weekend full of dance, yoga, breath work, cold plunge, and pot luck style meals. Friday evening DJ Risin Son will be playing a Reiki Infused ecstatic dance. As the sun rises Saturday, DJ Fuxzy will be playing meditative sound bath to start the day. He will also be playing a set Saturday evening. Erin Paradis from Wild Rooted Wellness of Conway, New Hampshire will be guiding us through breath work, meditation and a yoga flow.

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Love Your Wild Self: An Intentional Gathering FULL
to Nov 13

Love Your Wild Self: An Intentional Gathering FULL

An intentional gathering to connect with your self and others through:

Yoga and Meditation, DJ Dance Sets and Breath Work, Cold and Heat Therapy, Nature and Intentional Community.

This all inclusive retreat includes:


Five Nutritious Vegetarian Meals Catered by The Wild Island Kitchen


Live Music and Sound Bath by DJ Fuzxy

Guided Mediation and Yoga Classes

Sauna and Cold Plunge

Hike in Acadia National Park

For more information email info@wildislandcenter.com

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Approaching Addiction and Trauma with Herbal Tonics and Mindfulness Practices

Approaching Addiction and Trauma with Herbal Tonics and Mindfulness Practices

We welcome you to a day-long intensive led by Earthwalk School of Herbal Tradition's director, Melanie Scofield. Together we will deepen our understanding of Trauma and Addictions and learn how the Herbalist can play a significant role in the recovery process. We will discuss herbal protocols and explore meditation and reflection practices that we can then offer to those on the path to recovery. This is a workshop for herbalists, or for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of natural protocols for working with trauma and addictions.

TO REGISTER or FOR MORE INFORMATION email info@wildislandcenter.com

Melanie Rose Scofield is a Rockport-based Herbalist and the director of the Earthwalk School of Herbal Traditions. She’s been in private practice since 2007 and has been leading Herbal Apprenticeships for 14 years. In recent years she has been focusing on how herbal medicine, psilocybin therapy, and mindfulness practices can have a significant role in the healing of trauma. To learn more or to set up a consultation, please visit earthwalkherbalschool.com

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Womb Wisdom and Sweat Lodge

Womb Wisdom and Sweat Lodge

oin us Sunday, as we dive deeper into our exploration of the divine feminine. πŸ™Œ

We will gather to learn about sacred sexuality, the archetypal warrior, anatomy, and how to access our innate power. We will practice womb centering, use movement, share our stories, witness and hold space for our sisters. πŸ’«

We will continue our sweat lodge teachings, sweat, and feast together.


Arrive at 9:30am

10 am: Morning Circle

AM School of Womb Wisdom Teachings.

Potluck Light Lunch

1 PM: Light the Sacred Fire

Sweat Lodge

Potluck Feast

Late Afternoon Departure around 8:30pm

$75 Contribution for Full Day 🌟

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Womb Wisdom and Sweat Lodge

Womb Wisdom and Sweat Lodge

Join us Sunday as we dive deeper into our exploration of the divine feminine. πŸ™Œ

We will gather and learn more about sacred sexuality, the archetypal warrior, anatomy, and how to access our innate power. We will practice womb centering, use movement, share our stories, witness and hold space for our sisters. πŸ’«

We will continue our sweat lodge teachings, sweat, and feast together.


Arrive at 9:30am

10 am: Morning Circle

AM School of Womb Wisdom Teachings.

Potluck Light Lunch

1 PM: Light the Sacred Fire

Sweat Lodge

Potluck Feast

Late Afternoon Departure around 6pm

$75 Contribution for Full Day 🌟

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